Donate to Springs of Life Family Church

E-transfer Donation Process

If you wish to donate to the church by an electronic online method, please use Interac E-transfer from your financial institution. Use the following information when initially setting up the church as a recipient:

Name: SLFC Church

Email address:

When creating an E-transfer donation, in the message box, be sure to clearly describe what the donation is intended for, e.g.: "Tithe", "Nov Tithe", "Shoebox Shipping", "Designation For ______ (mission)", etc. If the message box is left blank it will be assumed to be a Tithe.

Note: Carefully check all entries before clicking the "Confirm" button.

The church account has been set up to automatically deposit donations without the need for a security question and answer. Once you enter the donation in your financial institution and confirm the donation, it will be automatically deposited in the church account.

After the E-transfer is submitted by the donor, an email is automatically sent to the treasurer, from the donor’s financial institution, indicating that an E-transfer has been deposited in the church’s TCU credit union account along with the donor's name, the message in the E-transfer message box, and the donation amount. An email message is automatically sent to the donor, indicating that the E-transfer has been completed.

The treasurer responds to the email by filling out a church offering envelope with the transfer date, donor's name, the intended designation, the amount, and marks “EFT” (Electronic Fund Transfer) on it. It is then placed in the offering basket for the following Sunday and is counted as part of the Sunday offering.

For donations with multiple designations, it might be possible to send a single E-transfer donation for the total amount, provided there is enough space in the E-transfer message box of the donor’s institution to enter each intended designation and amount, e.g.: “Tithe $xxx.xx, Shoebox Shipping $xxx.xx”, etc.
If there is not enough space in the box, separate E-transfers would have to be made for each designation.

Thank you for your valued financial support.