More About Us

In the fall of 2004 a decision was made at Saskatoon Full Gospel Church to send out a group of 10 families to start a new church in Saskatoon. In the beginning it seemed like a daunting task.

Pastor Brian & Linda Knull
Brian Knull has a heart for impacting people with the gospel of Christ that is relevant and life changing. His passion is to help others gaze upon the face of God as we search the scriptures that reveal Christ's character and heart for His children.
Helping people achieve a purposeful destiny is Brian's primary passion. He is a second-generation pastor whose parents were missionaries in Haiti for over 20 years. He credits his parents, Pastors Dave and Betty Knull and their prayers and passion, for teaching people how they can really live as children of God, yet always be willing to lend a hand where it was needed most in helping to meet the practical needs as well in peoples lives.
Since planting the church in 2005, and filling the role of senior pastor at Springs Church, Brian & Linda together as a ministry team have taken the church through a period of transition and stability.
Brian has been pastoring for over ten years and he comes with a genuine desire to run the race that Christ has set before Him and to impact as many for the kingdom of Christ as possible, along the way. They have raised five children who are pursuing God's direction for their lives.
Brian and Linda are trusting and believing God for a much needed out-pouring of His spirit upon the body of Christ that will inspire many to boldly reach out to the lost with a message of God's forgiveness and love, as the church begins to be the voice, hands and feet of our Saviour and Lord, to the world around us.
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